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Connection Capacity

Network capacity is a critical consideration in designing and managing computer networks, as it directly affects the speed and reliability of data transmission.

voip bandwidth

Defining Connection Capacity

Connection capacity refers to the maximum amount of data that can be transmitted over a network in a given amount of time. It is determined by a combination of factors, including the bandwidth of the network connection, the number of users or devices accessing the network, and the efficiency of the network protocols and hardware.

As more devices are added to a network, the demand for bandwidth increases, which can lead to slower network speeds, longer delays, and other performance issues.

Important Capacity Considerations

A lot of the popular "speed" tests on the Internet today are actually performing a multi-user capacity test. This essentially means they pack the connection with as much data as it can take, but completely disregard performance. These tests may show you a nice big number but the test is not indicative of the true user experience and ignores packet loss.

To ensure that a network can support its intended workload and capacity, it's important to measure packet loss rates during network capacity testing and take steps to minimize or eliminate packet loss where possible.

The MCS Capacity Test does just that.

How does MCS assess connection Capacity (UDP)?

MCS performs methodical test cycles, slowly ramping up the amount of data it puts on the connection.

Crucially, the test adapts when packet loss occurs. If the packet loss at any cycle exceeds the acceptable loss - set in the test specification - it cycles back down and, if no packet loss occurs, will ramp up again.

The final result of the test is the maximum capacity achieved within the acceptable packet loss level.

UDP packets are used for many things, including VoIP and Video. The packet size for VoIP and Video codecs varies so a key part of the MCS test is to set the appropriate packet size. For example, a VoIP G.711 codec uses a 172 byte packet.

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