MyConnection Server
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Learn More: Throughput and Capacity


MyConnection Server provides a robust set of connection tests to measure connection throughput and capacity:

•  Quality of experience measurement
Reports the actual speed an end-user achieves

•  Quality assurance of critical network connections
delivers automated quality testing for multiple connections from a single network edge 24x7

•  Customer self-assessment problem identification
delivers connection speed testing directly to the customers desktop browser

•  Centralized support managed process
support technicians to control the test process for remote users and view real-time results

View Connection Test Method Comparison

Bandwidth Speed Testing

Line Quality Assessment

UDP Capacity Test

MCS MySpeed application speed test measures the actual real end-to-end speed that a TCP application will achieve for the connection being tested. The test encompasses the inherent TCP flow control delays as well as quality invoked delays such as packet loss. It is an accurate measure created by a test process that ensures the data flow matches the requirement of the application such as voice or video.

Graphical views of the TCP data flow show the delays that degrade application service to the end-user.

Testing of high-bandwidth fiber connections is supported through the MyHiSpeed module.

When combined with the MCS Access Series appliances, the MySpeed application speed test provides more in-depth analysis of packet flow with visibility to quality problems that impact connection service. The data flow analysis includes identification of TCP errors occurring in the WAN and LAN that are otherwise difficult to detect.

The MCS Access Series delivers an 'off platform' solution that eliminates interference of the host platform operating system, other coexisting applications that contend for connection resources and poor configuration options. The solution is acutely accurate and designed to actively discover a wide range of connection quality problems as follows:

•  Retransmits.
•  Timeouts.
•  Out of order packets.
•  Lost, corrupt of duplicate packets.
•  Windowing problems that occur in real time.

The MCS Access Series platform supports two model types:

MyCapacity is specifically designed to accurately measure the maximum capacity of a connection without the inherent overheads of TCP. MCS MyCapacity reports the maximum download and upload data transfer rates in conjunction with the packet to data ratios. This test profile is therefore specifically designed to answer the important question of "How much data can a connection sustain before data is lost?".

Identify the maximum throughput of a connection
The line capacity test measures the maximum capacity of a connection without the inherent overheads of TCP. The test is performed over a UDP connection and reports the maximum download and upload data transfer rates in conjunction with the packet to data ratios. This ability to analyze connection throughput without inherent TCP window limitations is well-suited for pre-qualification testing, network provisioning, benchmarking and capacity testing.

Determine impact of payload changes, most efficient data/packet profile
The testing packet/data profile can be easily customized, allowing quick comparison tests to determine which configurations of packet size versus data volume deliver the best performance and quality of service. The ability to easily see how different payloads affect throughput facilitates quick pre-qualification of connection capacities, identification of router packet limitations and determination which packet size and rate ratios deliver the most efficient service.